Polaris Global

What we do

Our products and services are designed to inspire enthusiasm, enhance quality of life, and help preserve natural resources. We strive to deliver top-notch quality and reliability.


The application of technology and intelligent systems to replace or support humans in production, operation, and management processes. With advancements in artificial intelligence, robotics, sensors, and IoT, automation enhances efficiency, minimizes errors, reduces costs, and improves product quality.


We provide sustainable solutions, focusing on clean energy technologies, optimizing resource efficiency, and minimizing environmental impact, aiming for a future of sustainable and eco-friendly development.


Researching, manufacturing, and providing medical devices such as imaging diagnostic machines, health monitoring equipment, treatment support machinery, and advanced medical technology products.

Data Centers

Polaris leverages its expertise in data centers to help operators build standardized global fleets, optimizing uptime, efficiency, sustainability, and safety.


Operating vessels, managing seaports, maritime logistics, offshore oil and gas extraction, and developing renewable energy from the ocean.


Producing products, components, or equipment that serve various industries.